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Hi, I'm Sherah!

Chicago based Wedding & Portrait Photographer

Holding on to Winter

Feb 21, 2020


I’m watching the snow melt in our backyard this afternoon, and I’m looking at the forecast — FIFTY-TWO degrees on Sunday! What?! I’ve missed all this bright, beautiful sunshine, and it makes me want to deep clean my house or go for a five-mile run or something bonkers like that. Lily has been crying because she can’t go swimming outside (sorry dear, not when it’s 30 degrees and icy), and yep, we’re all stir-crazy, and spring is COMING!

But hold on — not yet!! We’ve still got a winter wedding coming up, and I’m hoping for SNOW for Alyssa and Jim (next week looks promising!!!). You know me — I really love winter, and I’m going to miss cozy nights by the fire, sledding, mittens and scarves, shoveling snow, and that feeling of crisp cold air filling my lungs. (All you winter-haters, embrace it!! It’s glorious!!) We’ve still got a few weeks (or more?!) of cold weather, so call me weird, but I’m soaking it up and enjoying the season!

You probably already know that I homeschool my three kids, and I’ve recently started working off of a 6-week schedule: six weeks of school, followed by one week off — for me to reevaluate, rest, and recuperate! It’s been working great this year, and I’m loving the rhythm that it’s brought to our lives. So, THIS week has been our off week, and we’ve all been so grateful for the break! Next week, we’ve got field trips and music ed and math math math on the schedule… but for today… lots and lots of rest!

Have a wonderful weekend — and if you’re in Chicago, enjoy the quick preview of Spring!!


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