What a fun wedding!! Laura and I used to work together years ago, and I’ve always loved her sweet, determined, lovely spirit! She is just a beautiful soul. In the weeks before the wedding, we met for Thai food, and I got to meet Chris — her perfect match in every way! Over slippery noodles and chicken (Pad See Ew, I’ll love you forever, gluten be darned), they told me the beautiful plans they had dreamed up for their wedding: family! friends! a majestic church! bagpipes! English country dance! The list goes on! So much care went into so many details, and the results were beautiful, a perfect celebration of a union of two kindred souls.
(Also!! The day of the wedding, there was a 90% forecast of rain. It looked BAD. We prayed, like we do before every wedding… and let me tell you friends, we had sunshine! During the ceremony, it lit up the beautiful, dark church with this glorious filtered light! The weather was clear for almost exactly when we were outside. We were all prepared with our plastic and shower curtains and umbrellas… and barely needed them! It’s always possible to work with and around rain, but let me tell you, when it works out like it did on Chris and Laura’s day, we are so thankful!)
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