They met me in the financial district, crazy early on a Saturday morning, when the streets were empty and we could capture their dips and twirls right in the middle of the intersection without cars whizzing by. We hugged and swallowed coffee quick, and Kohler and Vinnie stood in front of the camera and showed me a slice of what their love is like: adventurous yet thoughtful, a little daring, and happily oblivious to anyone else around.
Vinnie loves the city, and Kohler, a talented designer, lived in the very heart of Chicago while pursuing her bachelor’s degree — so pictures here were a no-brainer. We went from the Board of Trade building, up to Water Tower Place, and then over to Lakeshore Drive and down to the Planetarium. We took Uber everywhere — first time for this suburbanite girl! I’ve just always tried to cram my SUV into wherever it will fit downtown, sometimes not so successfully, ha!… So, Uber convert for life!
Their wedding is in less than 6 months, and they have a bright, beautiful day planned. It sounds incredible, and we can’t wait for July!
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